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Demons of the Dark Online Part 1 Page 2


  "Show history." She spoke to the computer.

  She scanned over their history and was pleased to see that the Queen of the Shadow Elves was considered a living Goddess amongst her people. Everyone worshiped her and all the nobility and lords enforced her laws.

  She had joined the Dark Alliance due to the Paladins of Light onslaught on their way of life. Together, she helps the other races of the Dark Alliance against the Paladins of light.

  "I'd like to be a Shadow Elf, please." She finally made her selection.

  "Please select your avatar." The pleasant voice chimed.

  Roxy looked over the characteristics of the Shadow Elf. She made herself into a tall, toned female elf with long-flowing deep violet hair.

  She glanced over the eye color selection. There was a large range from pure black to milky white. She chose violet for her eyes and was surprised to see they had cat-like slits for pupils.

  She selected black for her skin color instead of pale blue, gray or purple.

  Once she'd selected all the characteristics, Roxy admired herself in a mirror. Her avatar had to be perfect.



  "Warlocks are magic users who draw their powers from dark energies, transforming them into spells. A warlock's ability to control demons through their intelligence and strong will make them a feared opponent."

  At last, I'm a warlock! Roxy danced around in her new body.

  "Please choose your attributes." The voice reminded her.

  Stats appeared before her.

  Str - How much weight a player can carry. It helps in breaking doors and disarming traps.

  She never considered how important strength was in a VR game before. There had to be other ways in which a player could carry more weight without strength.

  Dex - The ability to stay on your feet and dodge blows in battle. You will have to make a dex check if you wish to achieve an improbable shot.

  Con - The ability to lower the effects of harmful spells. It affects your base hp. For example, a con of 15 adds 1 hp. 16 adds 2 and increases as you add more.

  Int - Helps characters deal with puzzles, mazes and documents of archaic nature. Also, above 15 adds +1 language.

  Wis - This characteristic is useful when fighting spells of illusion. It is intuition and is necessary for spell casters. Fifteen and up grants you intuitive abilities.

  Chr - Charisma is based on looks and the ability to present yourself in a favorable light.

  Please roll.

  Sparkling ebony dice with flaming numbers appeared in her small hand. Shaking them, she wasn't too concerned with strength. It would be good to rely on strength and be able to carry more, but she was sure she could find other means.

  When she released them, they bounced and rolled until they rested in the air.

  "One, three and two." Roxy said, not that disappointed with it. It was a six. Warlocks didn't rely on strength that much. So it didn't matter.

  "Founders get three extra rolls if they don't like the stats they are given. Do you accept this number for your strength?"

  Interesting! Roxy beamed. This is good!

  "Can I re-roll when I've completed the stat sheet?" She asked, swiping up the dice and shaking them again.

  "Yes. You may."

  She rolled eleven. Not bad. Roxy didn't think she'd need all that much agility. She was going to be inside reading and studying tomes most likely.

  The dice rolled a fifteen on her constitution. Not bad.

  The next one up was intelligence. She wanted it to be high. Holding her breath, she rolled the three dice.

  Closing her eyes, she blew into her hand before she threw them. Roxy heard the clinking of the dice as they rolled around in her hand.

  When she threw them in the air, she waited with baited breath and her eyes closed. Building up the courage, she finally opened them and squealed.

  "I've got an eighteen!' She jumped up and down. "I can't believe it!"

  "Congratulations. Intelligence is one thing a warlock needs. You will cast your spells faster and be more precise in hitting your target."

  "How many languages do I know?"

  "You understand Common, Shadow Elf and Demonic. You may choose another."



  "Cool. Okay, I'll take that."

  She rolled the dice again and flung them in the air. She wanted something really good.

  It was good to see that sixteen.

  Now for charisma. She wanted a superb number for her looks and how she'd present herself.

  She needed to be looked upon with favor. Sweat appeared on her brow and trickled down her cheeks.

  She screamed and pumped her fists into the air as a seventeen flickered on the dice's numbers.

  "Seventeen!" It wasn't eighteen, but it was close. Maybe the devs were with her.

  "These stats are great! I feel smarter already!"

  "What name do you wish to go by?"

  Stopping her happy dance, she pondered the question. She actually hadn't thought of a name.

  Demona? That would be a good name, but somehow she felt there would be a better one.

  How about Malice? With a name like that, how could she go wrong? She almost spoke the name out-loud, but it just didn't fit.

  Pacing around the room, she thought of other cool names, but none of them seemed to fit. The mysterious name taunted her, staying just out of reach.

  Dominatrix? Wither? Demon Master? Oh, come on! It was just on the tip of her tongue! Why couldn't she speak it!

  She clenched her fists as she stomped around. Roxy wanted the name to appear from the murkiness of her subconscious.

  "Am I jinxed or something?" Frustration exploded from her, revealing the perfect name.

  "That name is not valid. Your name must sound like a real name. Some warlock names could be...Hex, Nightshade..."

  "I know what my name is!"

  "What is it?"


  "What is your last name?"

  She thought about her last name and what she wanted. Her face lit up as the name came to her like a flash of lightning.


  "Welcome to Demons of the Dark Online, Jinx Hellfire. You will be known by this name in the game. You are a Founder and your first quest is to Summon your Imp. Do you accept the quest?"


  What is a warlock without a demon, anyway?

  "Quest accepted, Summoning Your Imp. For this quest, you will need a black candle and some chalk. You will find them in the town just down the road from here."

  "HUD." She summoned and it appeared before her eyes.

  She checked out her first spell, which was Demon Fire.

  Jinx saw it was a dot that drained the life-force of a mob or another toon. She smiled as she thought about her victims losing their hp slowly over time.

  "Suitable." She rubbed her hands together, already envisioning how she'd grow in power.

  Jinx glanced around, feeling for the first time in her life that she was in control.

  "Magic users have the option of robes or shirt and pants. Your choice." The computer chirped helpfully.

  She always loathed the thought of dresses, even from a young age. Her mother always forced her to wear them at home and when they went to church. Her mother's words floated through her mind unbidden.

  "Honey, women must wear dresses to be a lady. Too many women nowadays want to become independent like a man."

  She ground her teeth.

  "I'd like to wear pants and a shirt from now on." Jinx said, shaking herself out of her bad memories. If her mother saw her wearing a shirt and pants, she'd shit herself.

  "Please select an outfit."

  Five starting sets of clothes appeared. Jinx studied each one, admiring their differing colors and styles.

  "I'll take the black and red with the gold trim." She pressed her fingers into the silky clothes.

  There was a breeze which swi
rled around her as her clothes instantly appeared on her, fitting her to perfection.

  "Excuse me, ma'am."

  She jumped at the sudden appearance of a small, young and handsome shadow elf who bowed before her. Over his head floated a red question mark.

  On his right bicep was a golden dragon. Jinx surmised it held immense importance, but she knew not what.

  "Yes?" She turned, her new voice startling her.

  "My mistress, Drizilla, wishes to see you. She is the headmistress of the warlock academy." He bowed, shivering. "Will you see her, my lady?"

  "Yes." Jinx tossed back her violet hair. This woman sounded important. Maybe now she would be recognized for who she was. I am a warlock now. Power swirls around me like fog on a mountain.

  'Quest accepted: "Visit the Head Mistress." The computer's voice echoed in her mind.

  "Give me the honor of escorting you." Miztic pleaded.

  "Yes, sure. Show me the way."

  His bright smile crossed his face before he bowed his head.

  "Thank you. Please come this way." He turned and headed toward the town.

  She followed, enjoying the landscape and scenery. The air was filled with birdsong and the breeze felt so real on her cheeks that she couldn't tell the difference.

  How did they do this? She couldn't believe it. They had created a 100% fully believable world. What about physics? Were they the same as the world she just left?

  The crunch of gravel underfoot echoed in her ears. It felt all so real - even just walking down the dusty road with the warmth of the sun bathing her.

  Just up ahead, she saw the town. Elves of all sorts were bustling with activity. None of them paying any attention to her.

  There was a lattice of black leaves that formed an archway where two high-ranking female guards stood as silent sentinels.

  Dust stirred and she noticed a Shadow Elf male on what looked like a large Komodo dragon charging through the gates, whipping his mount.

  When he came closer, he yanked on the reins, dismounted and bowed before her as if she was a high-ranking Shadow Elf warlock.

  She saw a golden mark on his shoulder that was in the shape of a bolt of lightning. She noticed that his dark leather pants were a bit tattered as he jumped back on his mount and continued on his way.

  Jinx watched him leave, shaking her head in amazement. When she turned around, her escort bowed and continued onward.

  The guards observed her with a dismissive glance as if she wasn't worth their time. He bowed his head before them as he trod passed.

  "I see we have another warlock." Her keen hearing picked up the haughty comment from a whispering guard.

  "Give me my ball! I'll tell mom!" A shrill scream yanked her attention toward a small boy who tugged on his ball, screaming his lungs out.

  The girl laughed and shoved him away. He rushed to his mother who bent down and scolded him. He sniffled and brushed away a tear before anyone noticed.

  "What did you mutter?" Jinx said, looking at the imp.

  This was surreal. She'd have to understand her people and their traditions.

  "Serves him right, ma'am." Miztic said as he dropped his head lower.

  The black stone buildings were circular and covered with thatch. Men gathered around the fountain, chatting and laughing, though she noticed it was in hushed tones and furtive glances.

  The scents of spices and lotions wafted through the air, tantalizing her senses. Merchants extolled the merits of their merchandise. The aroma of roasting meat on a spit made her mouth water. The fat dripped into the greedy, licking flames with a gentle hiss.

  The sights and sounds were so real. It was as if she'd been whisked into another world. If she had not known this was a game, she'd have never been able to tell the difference.

  They weaved through the people who were busy living their lives as they worked and talked with each other. She wondered if they did have lives of their own or just made up computer simulations following their programs. She made a mental note to find out.

  Jinx stopped, absorbing the hum of life, the sights and smells of the town. It was so real she couldn't believe this was a generated program in some machine.

  Then she continued on her way. She saw so many question marks, she wondered which one to choose first. Her step was light as she followed the imp to a spacious area surrounded by buildings.

  Hammers rang out as they fell upon metal with sparks flying. Herbs dried in the sun and she gazed on the busy people with wonder.

  "I said stop." A sharp voice broke through Jinx's thoughts.

  She halted, watching two female Elves battling with training swords. They were pumped and focused for the battle. Ignoring their instructor's command, they sprang toward each other like roosters in a cock fight.

  The instructor frowned, narrowed her eyes and flung herself between them, driving them apart by her sword.

  "When I tell you to do something, you'll obey, in the name of the queen!" She snarled, slamming her fist into the youngest of the Elves, flinging her to the hard dirt.

  Jinx moved on, almost dancing. The strong ruled while the weak obeyed and all worked for the queen. Whoever this queen was.

  "We are here." Miztic motioned toward a tall tower looming over the field like an ominous dark deity.

  She whistled as she gazed up at the massive structure. She ran her fingers over the black stone and admired how smooth it was. It was cool to the touch, even though the sunlight beat down upon it.

  Cool air rushed over her as she entered the archway. Black and red banners hung from the walls. She suddenly felt as if she were home.

  Jinx walked up the spiral staircase and he pulled back the silken curtain. The imp announced her arrival to his mistress within.

  A woman glanced up and stood with a warm smile. She walked toward her, pounding her fist on her chest.

  "Greetings. I'm Drizilla, Master Teacher of Warlocks."

  "I'm Jinx Hellfire." She held out her hand.

  "Quest complete. Meet the Head Mistress."

  "Very good. Here." She handed her a small leather pouch.

  Jinx poured the thirty copper pieces into her hand.

  She glanced at her hp bar and noted she was starting with 10. Her xp bar had increased a quarter of the way to the next level.

  Good! At last she could purchase a candle and chalk. Then, she could finally summon her demon.

  "You know who I am in the real world, don't you?" She said, her ice blue eyes sparkled with mirth.

  Jinx thought about it, then snapped her fingers.


  "That's correct." She smiled.

  "But how?"

  "I'm sure you have many questions. Please sit down." She gestured to a chair as she resumed her seat.

  Jinx rubbed her eyes. "Is this real?"

  "Yes. This is real, I'm a Dev and am considered a God in the game. Also I'm the teacher you'll be seeing for your classes."

  "How did you come up with this?" Jinx motioned around the room. "It looks so real."

  She smiled, leaned back and placed her feet on the table.

  "Our team gathered together to make this and spent years perfecting it. We need Founders to play the game and tell us if they find any bugs. This is why we need them to be permanent members of our team. You're going to be given powers that the regular players don't have."

  "How so?" Her eyes lit up.

  "It'll be more real since you'll be living here. What I mean is you'll go on more adventures than other toons and receive far better gear. Plus, you get a free plot of land."

  "Sounds great!" Jinx was grateful that she'd squeezed in when she did.

  "We keep your body alive for three days to give you the option of going back to the real world. After that, we cut the life support and you are in here permanently. It was in the contract you signed." She said, waving her hand. "How do you like it so far?"

  "I love it!"

  "Good. I'm warning you, it's dangerous in this game. The d
emons are very crafty and will seek to make you their slave. Keep your wits. Also, warlocks work alone and by the strength of their will. They have allies, but don't use them other than for gathering information."

  "Could you give me more information on the Shadow Elves?"

  "They are led by a powerful queen who rules her subjects with an iron fist. She may be cruel and evil, but she is fair. Her two daughters are vying for her attention and the power of the throne. While her son stays in the back ground and prays he'll be given to a good woman who will treat him better than a prized pet."

  How will the battle for the throne play out? Jinx knew she'd have to meet the Royal family. Maybe go on a few quests if they had any.

  "The Shadow Elves are matriarchal in a negative sense. It is what men fear and this represents it."

  "Like women have had to live under men? Is that why this is a Founder class?" Jinx could see the possibilities of this class as an evil one.


  "Is there one on the side of good?"

  She nodded, smiling slightly. "We'll talk later and I'll show you how to summon your imp." She said. "Be careful playing an evil toon. There are risks."

  "I will, thanks!" Jinx left the room, pondering what she'd just learned. How dangerous would this be? Was death permanent? How did rezzes work? She'd have to find out.

  Chapter 4 ***

  "One black candle and some chalk." The merchant handed her the items with a smile. "May the Queen guide your steps."

  "Long may she rule." Jinx said. Turning around, she collided into something hard.

  She stumbled back and caught herself on the counter and looked into the eyes of a young female elf, glaring at her.

  "Watch where you're going!" Her lips curled in a snarl as she spoke to the anti-paladin.

  "Out of my way!" The unholy warrior slammed her fist into Jinx's nose. Pain crackled over her like fingers of lightning. Crashing to the floor, she touched her busted nose as blood dripped to the floor.

  With a silent growl, Jinx leaped on her and brought her down the to the ground. All she could see was red.

  The anti-paladin had 25 hp while she only had 10. At level 2, her foe had a whole level advantage on her. But that didn't matter, Jinx wasn't going to back down. She couldn't.

  Quest: "Fight the Anti Paladin." Appeared before her and she quickly accepted. The bitch was going to die for what she did.