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Demons of the Dark Online Part 1 Page 4

  With a sigh, she leaned back on the wall and relaxed. The name grew stronger as she rested.

  "What did you learn about your imp?"

  "They're pranksters, crafty and intelligent and often outsmart larger demons." Jinx said.

  "Good. Has a name came to you?"

  She nodded and was about to tell her what it was until she held out her hand stopping her.

  "Demons have a soul, with a secret name which only they know to protect their life force. A warlock attains the name of the demon - such as an imp who is among the weakest of all demons. Don't underestimate them, they are cunning." She warned, her eyes serious.

  "Now summon your imp. This is dangerous process - even though they are small mischief makers."

  "I'm tired! I should rest!"

  "No you should do it now! This is a test to see how strong-willed you are. Are you worthy of mastership or are you just a weak-willed minion? Demons respect strength and will and not much else. Warlocks who stand alone in fights and do things their own way gain their admiration." Drizilla explained.

  "You mean I can become a minion of a demon if I don't do it right?"

  "Yes. As a Founder, you have better demons than other warlock players, but there is more danger." She explained.

  Jinx ran her fingers through her hair as excitement pounded through her. This is what she desired - danger and control over a powerful being.

  An imp wasn't that much of a challenge, but she was certain the others would be. It'd be practice for more dangerous demons.

  Stepping into the glowing-red diagram, she pushed all fear and excitement away. Taking a deep breath, she centered herself.

  Once she felt she was sufficiently ready, she withdrew a small bell and rang it. Its sharp sound echoed off the walls, peeling forth with its seductive cry.

  A cloud of smoke appeared in front of her as an imp materialized from the inky blackness. She was three feet tall and held mischief in her red eyes. There was a hard coldness in those glowing orbs and Jinx knew this wouldn't be easy.

  In those eyes she saw hunger for mastery.

  Jinx called forth her imp's soul name.

  "My name is Obsidian, not that name." The imp placed her small hand over her heart.

  "No. That is the spoken name you are known by." Jinx said.

  "Bah! What do you know?" Obsidian said.

  "You will be mine, or do I have to say it?" Jinx smiled.

  "Go ahead. Overpower me and you'll have me." Obsidian taunted.

  Suspicion warned her there was a trap. Something about her posture and smugness screamed out to her.


  "Aku, you are my minion now. I bind you to my will."

  Jinx weaved her hands in the air as a wispy mist formed through her dancing fingers. She cast it on the imp who countered her spell.

  They pushed their wills against each other. She felt the imp's desire to be free. Jinx fought back harder with her will, not wanting lose this power bid.

  Suddenly, lightning ripped through the air with a hellish roar. A large demon ripped through the perfect inscription, shattering it with his power.

  The reality of the game was shredded as she saw nothing but stars all around them.

  Where were they? What was going on? Would she ever get back to the game? Or would she be stuck in this no man's land?

  Before her stood a brute of a demon. His skin was a deep red with blazing emerald eyes. His power washed over her like a crackling thunderstorm.

  It blasted her back and she shivered, then gritted her teeth. She knew he was strong and cunning and could slice through her as easily as she could snuff out a duckling's life.

  That's why her approach had to be different.

  "Why are you calling my slave, warlock?" His deep voice rolled over her.

  "Who are you to question me?" She glared at him as if he were an insect.

  The crafty imp grabbed her belly and rolled around on the floor laughing.

  He snarled and withdrew his mace and shield, slamming them together. The sound scared her more than she'd like to admit.

  From her soul, she drew forth a powerful surge of dark energy which blocked his blows. Her shield shook and creaked, complaining of the demon's power. Jinx gritted her teeth in a silent resolution that she'd never surrender.

  His strength of will was enormous and she felt her soul bending to his. Jinx struggled against him as they wrestled, seeing who had the stronger desire for mastery. Fear raked through her, knowing he was winning and the need to be victorious was being drained away.

  In fact, the repugnant idea sounded good to her as her stubbornness melted. Staring into those burning eyes and knowing if she lost, he would be the master, made her heart burn with fury.


  Mentally, she blasted him as she searched for his secret name which would give her power over him. They'd be bound forever. If she ever lost control over him, she'd be his slave.

  It was the risk warlocks took to control demons. She wasn't going to be his slave!

  Warlocks were the masters. They had the stronger will. How could she be an embarrassment to herself by losing?

  Somewhere, deep within herself, her strong will and stubbornness returned.

  The eternal battle would continue until one proved the strongest.

  "Kotto meenuis da frangus dur." Those words burst from her lips. She reached far into his life force, calling forth his secret name.

  "No!" Azhar snarled, staggered back and grasped his chest as if he could stop this abomination from happening.

  A red demonic glowing sphere was ripped from his chest and flew toward her out-stretched hand.

  He charged toward it. It was just out of reach and Jinx smiled, knowing she'd won and would control such a beast.

  Had any warlock done this before?

  The sphere of red light, the life-force of the demon, which was about to be caught by her hand, but instead was intercepted by a small imp who leaped up and grabbed it.

  "Now you are my minion!" Obsidian glared at the large demon.

  He knelt before her, his head bowed.

  Obsidian gave a loud shout of victory as she vanished into the void. She was free!

  Chapter 6 ***

  "You damned bitch! I'll kill you for that, then rip her to shreds." The demon shouted at the imp, who's laughter pealed forth around them.

  "Really? Then you'd better start, because she's forgotten one thing." Jinx held back a smile which threatened to cross her lips.


  "Obsidian!" Jinx called in her sweetest voice.

  The small imp appeared, looking around with her mouth open.

  "Wha...what's going on?" Her voice quavered.

  Jinx snapped her fingers and the glowing orb appeared in her hand.

  "Kneel!" She commanded, pointing in front of her.

  Dark power flowed from her fingertips and swirled around them, forcing Obsidian to fall to her knees.

  "Show me your stronghold, Azhar." She wet her lips with her tongue as anticipation built in her heart.

  "Yes, mistress." He said, snapping his fingers.

  They appeared in the heart of his base.

  A sulfurous, gut-wrenching scent clung to the air as they walked along the hallway. She could sense he was an ambitious young demon who was ruled by his passions.

  Another weakness she could exploit if the need arose.

  Azhar wasn't the strongest demon, as he was so young - her age, she'd guess. Though what that would be in demon years, she didn't know.

  She inspected the small fortress built inside a hill that he'd constructed. Jinx was impressed, but she kept silent as she studied it.

  "Your fortress isn't as big as I'd thought. However, you are a powerful demon." Jinx remarked casually.

  It wasn't bad to throw them a tidbit of praise once in awhile.

  It was constructed with fire brick - one of the strongest materials in the Abyss. She could tell there were secret passages and the wall
s were lined with weapons.

  His underlings bowed as they passed. She inspected them with narrowed eyes.

  "How many minions do you have?" She arched an eyebrow.

  "One hundred."

  Good. It was a good start. His troops, if loyal, would fall into her plans. Jinx knew she could progress as long as he held sway over his minions.

  His minions were strong and power hungry. They were ready for anything and their leader was a strong demon who held them in sway.

  He was far too strong for them to consider overthrowing him. This was good.

  It was the way of the demon, however she didn't want that. If he were challenged in a power bid, she'd help her pet out to maintain his power over his minions.

  Jinx stepped outside on the balcony. She scanned the jagged crags which overlooked an emerald carpet filled with colorful wildflowers. Looking up, she saw the glorious moons full and bathing the earth with its soft light.

  With the silence and only the whispering wind in her ears, she felt centered and at peace.

  "Azhar, take me back." She stated, her mind alive with ideas.

  What she needed was a network of allies who'd work for her. She needed her own city where people could work their crafts and the farmers could grow their crops. She'd research how to run a castle.

  Appearing at the room where the battle had taken place, she walked through the long, silent corridors. Her demons followed. She was already planning on doing quests and gaining more power.

  Power was addicting and as such was it's curse. There was never enough.

  "Mistress Drizilla, I have completed the quest and gained Azhar." She gestured over to the large demon at her side.

  Jinx looked at her experience bar and saw that five hundred xp had been added.

  "Impressive. You must be exhausted. Now, select your room and you can get some much needed rest."

  Jinx bowed, turned on her heels and walked off to find her room. She felt a heaviness on her shoulders as she trod down the hall. All she wanted was sleep.

  "Get me a bath." She gave a sideways glance to Obsidian.

  The imp nodded and vanished.

  Pushing through the curtains of her room, she flopped down on the soft bed.

  Jinx dismissed her warrior demon with a wave of her hand.

  "Your bath is ready, mistress."

  Her imp left her alone with her thoughts.

  She was committed to the life of a warlock. What would it bring to her? Would she be able to survive through the trials that lay ahead like taunting jesters? Could she control him and bend him to her will? Would they continue to battle for dominance or would he settle down and accept his fate?

  The next morning, the ball of fire rose into the sapphire sky as its beams of light hurled away the shadows of the night - like the Phoenix rising from its sleep to dominate the heavens with its might.

  Jinx stretched the sleep from her body, rose, dressed and went to the eating hall. There were other warlock founders with their demons.

  Their imps shivered when they looked up and saw Azhar. The other students mumbled to each other when they saw the giant demon at her side. In their eyes, she saw envy, fear and lust for power.

  Power had that effect on others who were weaker.

  Jinx noted their ambitions and desires to destroy her. No one could ever claim the warlock's path was easy.

  Only one stared from across the room with a haughty expression in her smoldering eyes.

  "Cherkax." Azhar curled his lips, glaring at the other warlock's large warrior demon such as himself.

  "You know him?" She asked. She didn't trust this other warlock. Not one bit.

  "Rival." His deep growl vibrated from his throat.

  Their eyes met and Jinx knew she had an enemy. Why? She didn't know, but she desired to fight. When the young woman rose to her feet, she approached her like a hunting tigress.

  Eagerness pounded in Jinx's heart as she strode toward her. They halted before each other, both attempting to stare the other down.

  The other young warlocks murmured and the male elves watched with excitement. It wasn't often they saw a battle between two females.

  "Watch your step, bitch. I'm the head warlock here." The woman said with a snarl written on her lips. She placed her balled fists on her hips, glaring at her.

  "Oh yeah? I dare you to try it." Jinx retorted, wanting to fight this upstart. She was the master warlock. Her demon was better.

  How dare she tame a warrior demon! Stealing her thunder like that! Who did she think she was? Jinx ground her teeth.

  Before they could cast their spells, a voice stopped them.

  "Jinx, Razdua, enough!"

  They both jerked their heads toward the sound. Drizilla bored her eyes into theirs and walked toward them.

  "There will be no fighting among us here." Drizilla said, pushing them apart. "Understood?"

  Jinx nodded in agreement. This wasn't over. She flashed a wicked look to the other woman who did the same. She'd have to destroy her.

  She left the room with her head held high. Jinx didn't want to display any fear nor rage. Weakness wouldn't be tolerated.

  Before she reached the door, she cast a glance over the room and selected her place. It was in a corner of the room where she could see everything.

  Once she ate her breakfast, Jinx noticed the group of other warlocks watching and evaluating the two of them and planing their actions.

  Jinx sauntered outside. She was calmed by the birds singing their praises for the light of the sun. A herd of deer lifted their heads and watched her with wary eyes.

  Jinx would grant her a swift death. She shook her head, pushing away the thought. No, she deserved worse. Far worse than death.

  I want to destroy her. Make her my minion. Torture her by making her humbled before all eyes. It made her smile, thinking of her enemy submitting to her in shame and disgust.

  "What do you know of her? What about her demon...Chekax?" Jinx said.

  "He drove me from my brotherhood due to a test of strength. I was weaker than him and withdrew." He said, barely containing the fury which burned bright in his heart.

  "I wouldn't serve him, so I was banished."

  "Working together, we'll take them down." Jinx patted the demon's hand.

  He gave her a half smile as she noted respect in his eyes. Jinx needed him for an ally. Someone she could depend on and his loyalty. Would she earn it? She must.

  More than a slave. A friend. Could it be done? She'd make it so.

  Walking into the town, she glanced around, seeking the red question marks for quests. Now that she had an enemy, Jinx needed stay ahead of her.

  She had a warrior demon also and she suspected she also received double xp. Now she had someone that would push her toward greatness.

  "Hey! Hey you!" A voice drew her from her thoughts and she turned around to see an elf racing toward her.

  She stopped and looked at who had spoken.

  "Would you be willing to kill ten rats for me?" She said, trying to catch her breath.


  Quest: "Kill Ten Rats."

  "Come this way." The young female elf motioned for her to follow.

  "Be on guard." She said.

  Azhar nodded.

  When the young, female elf led her out of town, another woman stopped her.

  "Could you gather blueberries for me?" She wrung her hands.

  Jinx nodded. Maybe she would meet her nemesis and get the upper hand in the battle.

  "There it is." The young woman pointed to the weather-beaten barn. "The rats are in the cellar and they are big and mean."

  Jinx entered the musty barn with beams of light streaming through the rafters. Motes danced in the sunbeams as she made her way to the cellar.

  Azhar pulled up the cellar door as the snapping of wings and shrill cries of startled birds filled the air. Carefully, she climbed down the creaky stairs and called forth a glowing orb that floated in front of her.
br />   It was a simple magic trick. Any magic user could do it.

  The sphere sliced through the darkness as the shrill cries of the rats could be heard. Jinx's eyes gleamed with evil intent.

  "Intruder!" A shrill scream echoed through the dark.

  A net dropped on them.

  Azhar roared, slashing the nets which dropped to the dusty floor in a heap. Demonic Fire burned through the nets, brightening the room.

  Red eyes flashed in the light as the rats screamed their battle cries and charged at them.

  Jinx was surprised at their size as they leaped on them with bared fangs. She called forth her Demonic Fire.

  She blasted one rat the size of a cocker spaniel, sending him flying back.

  Her Demonic Fire hit him for four points of damage. He screamed as he was flung back.

  With a deafening roar, Azhar slammed his heavy mace down upon its head. The rat crumpled to the ground as blood dripped on the dirt floor.

  One rat of ten killed.

  "Come and face me!" He said, his deep booming voice filled the air. He slammed his clawed foot on the floor, blasting all three rats back to the wooden wall.

  With glittering red eyes they stared at them from the roof rafters of the basement. With a shrill scream from a black rat as large as a German Shepherd, they attacked.

  They clicked their fangs together which sounded like rain hitting a tin roof. Jinx drew back as they sprang on Azhar.

  He roared a deep, bellowing roar that played along the dank walls. Lifting his shield, one smashed into it as he clubbed another with his mace.

  5 hp drained from the rat's health bar, leaving him with 5. He screamed and lunged at the demon.

  Jinx cast Demon Fire on the one attacking her demon. Then turned to the next one who was charging at her demon and hit him with her spell.

  It hit the rat for 3, bringing him down to 7.

  Azhar jumped into the air and slammed down on the ground causing dust to rise.

  The rats flew backwards, screaming in their shock. Gathering themselves, they leaped at him as she dotted them up.

  They lost 2 hp each as her Demon Fire drained their life force.

  3 hp from the rat leader and 4 on one of the rats and 2 on the other.